Heat Stress Essentials
16 Piece Kit
Product Description
Heat Stress Kit:
when you begin to feel the symptoms of “Heat Stress” our 16 piece Heat Stress Essentials Kit can help you keep your cool while on the job, playing, traveling pretty much anywhere. Excessive heat combined with over activity like working, playing or just exposure can lead to heat related emergencies like Heat Exhaustion or life-threatening Heat Stroke. During hot weather, body temperatures can rise to dangerous levels if you don't hydrate and rest in the shade. Heat illnesses and heat-related deaths, such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke, are preventable. This kit contains essential items you will need to treat heat stress and can help provide relief when the core body temperature rises to above-normal levels. Our 16pc. Heat Stress Kit can help you be safe from the dangers of excessive heat illnesses.
Here is how it works:
Take the 6 drinks of water (25.35 ounces) from one of the Mayday Six Packs and empty it into the 1-liter drinking container.
Take one of the ice packs and activate them by hitting with the palm of your hand. Place ice pack into the water of the 1-liter drinking container and seal zip lock.
Let sit for 10 minutes.
Add Neck Bandana and/or Perfect Cooling Towel.
Let sit an additional 10 minutes. See separate manufacture instructions included with your kit.
Additional Instructions for Sqwincher Electrolyte Drink:
Add 4 (16.9 ounces) pouches of water to the one-liter drinking bag.
Take one of the ice packs and activate them by hitting with the palm of your hand. Place ice pack into the water of the 1-liter drinking container and seal zip lock.
Let sit 5 to 10 minutes and remove the ice pack.
Add two Sqwincher Quik Stiks, seal bag and shake for an ice-cold drink.
Kit Contents:
2 – Instant Ice Packs
2 – 6 packs of Mayday Drinking Water
1 – Liter drinking container
1 – Perfect Cooling Towel
1- Sun Hat
1 – Bandana Neck Cooler
2 – Sqwincher Quik Stik’s
2 – SPF 30 Foil Packs
1 – Hand Cloth Towel
1- Heavy Duty Carry Bag
when you begin to feel the symptoms of “Heat Stress” our 16 piece Heat Stress Essentials Kit can help you keep your cool while on the job, playing, traveling pretty much anywhere. Excessive heat combined with over activity like working, playing or just exposure can lead to heat related emergencies like Heat Exhaustion or life-threatening Heat Stroke. During hot weather, body temperatures can rise to dangerous levels if you don't hydrate and rest in the shade. Heat illnesses and heat-related deaths, such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke, are preventable. This kit contains essential items you will need to treat heat stress and can help provide relief when the core body temperature rises to above-normal levels. Our 16pc. Heat Stress Kit can help you be safe from the dangers of excessive heat illnesses.
Here is how it works:
Additional Instructions for Sqwincher Electrolyte Drink: